
Everyone should realize that there are lots of things unbelieveable happenning each time next to our normal-seemed life、

Sometimes the unbelieveable things can make your life better, but at other times they may bring troubles .

I have a strange experience, and it brings the biggest trouble to me .

The day I first had it is a cloudy day,thick clouds covered the sky and no light could go through . Without light,it seemed like midnight .No person was in this remote

A felling of something will happen suddenly appeared, and continued until it started to rain a little .

I was on my way finished buying cheap vegetables in the suburb, and am far a way to home . Because I do not want to get wet, I walked across a remote street to cut corners .

Suddenly, a sound went off in my mind :“Warning ! SYSTEM ERROR !You need repair .”In a very short time, I come to be unable to see anything clearly and lose feelings given by outside .

What is wrong with me ?I tried to shout for help . But no reply . No more time, I fell down, see a broken toy drone fall from midair.

And then, I fainted .

When I woke up, I found myself in a clinic surrounded by kinds of checkout equipments . There was smell of medicine and disinfectant everywhere . That smell made me feel a headache, so I put my hand up against my nose .

A man in doctor's overall was standing in front of a desk opposite to me . Seeing me wake up, he quickly ran over and spoke to me :“Oh, I found you on the street and took you back here to save you .“

Finishing saying this, he for a while . His matted white hair quivereded a little .

Then, he continued to speak .

“I found that you have a rare illness . The of it include suddenly-fainting、abnormal and memories losing . Although it does not have any formal name, we call it‘Downtime-Disease’. That means there is something wrong with your system, and no way to repair .“

SYSTEM problems ?I am not a computer at all !I feel a little did not trust, but it was my first time to have such a strange experience, it must be better to believe this person who seened to be more and saved me .

“ my research in 2020, it may cause by study math too much .“

Oh, things he said must be ture, because I am a math doctot and am used to soaking in numbers every day !

He keeped on speaking :“As far as I know, you are the third human to get it . You 'd better stay here forever to be monitored . Or you may die from it any minute .”

Hearing his, I had to believe him to save my own life . Aithough staying here means I will no longer return my home and have to work as a doctor's helper for the rest of my life, I still want to live .

Day by day, the“Downtime-Disease”did not seizure again, I thought I had been well.

But each time I told it to the doctor, he just said :“It could never disappear .”

Nothing worse would happen, at least I hope so .

But one day,the doctor wad not in the clinic, and I inadvertently saw a shocking thing on a newspaper in the trash can——The doctor who saved me is a famous crazy scientist !

He was not a doctor at all !

Maybe he just want to do research on me !

And I realized why I fainted in the past maybe because a hitting from a broken toy drone, the sound I hear may from it, too !

I ran over without thinking twice into the forest .

because I kept closing eyes when I was running, I did not know how far I had run .

At least, I leave away from the dangerous crazy scientist .

I should return to my own、normal life and these crazy experience !

Suddenly, the sound what I heard in the past appeared :“Warning !SYSTEM ERROR again !”

My eyes darkened,and then there was no then...

Whichone reads this passage should have a SYSTEM-CHACK and know that :

“Cherish life and stay away from math .”



























