
If I haven't had such a day ever, I will never believe things beyound the of human really real in the world.

Be careful ! They always break-in our daily life .

That day 's beginning was just like any other day:the sun was shining, not too dark or bright ;clouds hung over the sky.

I woke up, feed my white cat Cathy in a hurry because the time was close to be late for work .

When I was feeding my cat, I felt somethimg strange happened . But they were too undetecable for me .

To go working on time, I had to thinking .

After a long way on the bus, I arrived at the

While I was sitting in front of the computer table, some of my workmates were talking quietly .

“Do you hear that cats ususlly disappear strangly these days ? No one find the reason !”one of them said .

“How terrible,I should stay home to protect my cat !”other one answered with fearment .

As they talking, their sound became louder and louder,even covered the sound of work 'discussing .

No ways, I have to plug ears . However,the massage of disappeared cats was still lingering in my mind, making me feel more and more intranquil .

Oh, I knew that I must stay home today to watch Cathy . So I returned home after asking for a leave .

When I returned home, the worst thing actually happened——the door of Cathy's cage was closed, its bowl and cup were overturned, and Cathy was not in .

“Cathy, where are you ?”I kept searching for it, from bedroom to yard .

In the yard, I found a small piece of torn off paper with Cathy's white fur, and saw artificially flipped traces .

Next to these, I found the paint pot wad dumping, so I could see many marks seemed to left by cat ' feet .

I quickly through the yard to follow the marks .

With their leading, I ran along a long road.On the road, I fell down and broke my arm .This was not big deal, all things would be worthwhile if I find Cathy .

Finally, the marks in one large area of abandoned buildings . Everywhere was surprisingly quile, even no bird 's chirping . Nothing could be more important than my cat, so I would not fear .

I walked into one door-openedhouse without thinking twice——but no cat was in .

That was it, I searched out the buildings I could go in one by one, then I came next to the last house .The door and windows were all broken, but I still could not hear any sound from it .

However, at the time I pushed the door, sounds of cats' howling filled my ears . I found a large number of cages with different kinds of cats inside.

“Meow, meow!”They grasped the cages' inner wall, howling .

Cathy was in one cage in the corner .

As I heard their sound, I felt so unnormal because I hear no sound outside .

it, I was there to save Cathy, not to think of strange problems .

Getting near the cage, I saw a lock that I can not open .I thought how to open the door over and over again .No way, no way, still no way !My brain was completely , I felt very hot because of hard thinking, so a drop of sweat dripped from my head onto the lock .

Amazingly, the lock crumpled and shattered like paper soaked in water. Followed this way, I opened other cages and let other cats run out to their home .

Just in the same , when I picked Cathy and went out of the door, the cats were all not here, like suddenly disappeared .

I picked Cathy home, and felt it had lighter .

When we rwturned home, I sat on the sofa, stroking Cathy .“You finally return here !You will not know how much I miss you !” I said to it .

Unexpected, a touching of paper came from my hand on Cathy .

I put head down and saw——I was not touching a cat but an old simple stroke !

It was missing a corner, and the missing part was exactly the same shape as the paper I had seen in the yard.

Weirdly !I throwed the stroke away, saw the name“Cathy“on its back wrotten by eerie deep red color .

I could not regard it as a dream because white furs of Cathy were still here and there, the cut on my arm was there, too .

I tried to recall memories with my cat Cathy, but it was strange that I did not remember anything .

Suddenly, I found the strangeness : I did not keep any cat at all !

So what were those things he let out of the cage?!

This story tells us :When you feel strange, you should immediately investigate the cause .




















